Wednesday 26 January 2011

A late night thought from Pushkar

There have been moments on this trip where I have questioned our motivation. For us, it's not just about 'seeing' India. It's about our relationship with the place. I have wondered at times if we can actually share that with our kids. They live so much in the moment and seem oblivious to much of the stuff that sends my mind reeling. When we took them to places in Parhaganj, places that we had described to them with such passion, I realised that we had seen that through the eyes of backpackers. Now, seeing them through the eyes of a mother, it's a whole new picture. I've worried that walking along the streets of Pushkar (one of my most favourite past times in the world) is actually really full on for them. That restaurants that were cool hippy hangouts for us, might seem grotty to them. But it's not. They are charmed by it too, but for completely different reasons! Gus has bought himself a Rajput turban which he wears around the place. Freya gives the air of someone who has travelled for years, and Martha, well, she's as at home here as anywhere in the world. She skips and hops and sings her way through the madness!


  1. How great.. Seems like theyre getting into it.. Couple of days ago all looked a littel sketchy.. eeek..But hey it's always going to be ups and downs. Hopefully more ups than downs Them littel people are amazing eh!! Keep us posted as I'm living it vicariously..CAn you also put in name of places a bit so i can check them on the interweb please..Wish I was there! Big love Ax

  2. Hey gorgeous people. Can't believe I've been missing all this. Just caught up on all your blogs and they're great, Anna. I can see the book in the not so distant future. Bloody well done, darlings. What an amazing gift you are giving those children - and yourselves. xxxxx

  3. Worry not hen, got two tickets to Margate for next week - special treat!

  4. we are all loving the updates...keep them coming..! printing them off and giving them to nanny. missing you all lots, hope martha hasnt grown tooo much ! SKYPE us sooon please ! love to alll x
